Feruz in Cardiff

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Sorry for not posting for a long time... been busy lately...

My parents came to Cardiff on the 29th, and on the 30th, my sis got a call that her new house is ready... that was why I didn't have any time to update my blog... we were too busy cleaning up things and getting ready to move!

SO anyway... the 1st day (Tuesday) my parents was in Cardiff, me, my parents+Nawal+Farah walked to the city centre. We took the Cardiff tour bus and had a tour around Cardiff which was interesting coz some of the places I hadn't been to :P Then, we went to the city centre to get a bite to eat coz everyone was cold and hungru from the bus trip coz we sat on the upper level of the bus hehehe... Ate at Debenhams, we had sandwiches and coffee... Then made our way to the Cardiff castle for the tour (which was the 2nd time for me)... Then we went home...tired...and headed straight out again to buy groceries, and had to rush back home coz my sis got the call about her new house, and we had to go see the house. Oh and I petted a dog for the 1st time ever that day! :P

Wednesday and Thursday was filled with packing and unpacking from the old house to the new one... oh and we went to the car boot sale to find some stuff for the house... like a dining table... and some mirrors

On Friday, we went to the West Midland Safari Park... It was GREAT! We got REALLY REALLY close to the animals! Plus, we got to feed some cows and deers too ^_^ and I now know first hand hos it feels like to have cow saliva all over your hand... bleurghhh... We ate lunch at the car park under some trees, and then proceeded to their theme park just beside the safari park. Got onto the waterlog ride and twister ride (which wasn't a pleasent one coz it throws you from side to side and my neck was aching by the end of it) coz the kids needed an adult to accompany them, and I was the only one who could go on, coz my sis was pregnant and my parents were'nt interested... eheh.. When we got home it was already dark :D

Not sure wether it was Saturday or Sunday that we went to Stonehenge... It was about 3-4 hours away from Cardiff... and we stopped over at Swindon where there's this warehouse where they sell high-street brands at lower prices, something like all their rejects from high-street gets sent there... banyak gak ah beli.. eheheh.. and then we went to stonehenge..and apparently they don't know why it's built...and no..it has nothing to do with the Druids...

On Monday, me and my mom went to the city centre to get some more stuff...I got my perfume...finally! heheheheheh.. I wanted Gucci Envy, but settled for Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea coz it was on offer...

Tuesday was our flight home... We went out at about 10 a.m (our flight was at 10 p.m heh), and in the rush of getting our bags downstairs... one of the friggin bag fell on my foot...and it bled... and I spent like 15 minutes crying coz it hurts... hmm maybe that's why I didn't cry much at the airport? So anyway... My dad wanted to see Big Pitt where me and my sis went before, so we went there first, he took some pictures there, and then we went to Swindon (again) for some last minute shopping... We had some drinsk+cakes at Starbucks, and then we went to a McDonalds... the most expensive ever that we had to pay at a McD :P Then we stopped over at Windsor, where we ate beside the Thames River... And then we were on our way to the Airport... got the bags out, said our teary goodbyes to my sis and the kids...and we went inside...

Now the flight was another thing... about 5-6 hours into our flight, one of the passanger had a heart attack or something.. or something wrong with his pace-maker, and there were 2 passengers who were doctors, and they told the pilot that they needed to land somewhere so that the person can get some medical help... and we ended up in Karachi no long after... That delayed us for like... 3 hours... boasn ok 3 jam dalam plane doing nothing =_= After that incident, it was smooth flying all the way...

At KLIA, Rini, Ainz and AJue had been waiting for me since 5.30 p.m! Kesian tau dierang.. haih... I'm soooo glad to be home... and never had I been so glad to see my family and friends and not forgetting my cats and my car in my whole life!

So..basically that was my last few days in Cardiff, Wales...

Now it's back to my old blog... this blog is a reminder for me of my stay there... ^_^

I'll miss Cardiff... I felt almost like home there... I say almost coz it doesn't have the most crucial thing for me to call it home... family (minus my sis) and friends.. ^_^ But if I had to choose to re-locate somewhere...I'd choose Wales anytime :)

adios people!

Friday, May 26, 2006


harini saya dpt present dari kakak saya.. kakak saya kasik leather banded watch from gems.tv..ada pink sapphire wooo...leather kale pink-ish lagi.. hohohoh... saya sayang kakak saya! earlier in the day.. saya dapat short jacket yg saya bid di e-bay... i liek! then I went to Asda alone... and I bought me another pair of the shoes i bought before..tapi kale oren..ahahahahah... hari mendapat/membeli barangan sungguh saya yer... abisla ibunda marah bile sampai sini :P


saya baru pulang dari menghantar bebudak ke skolah... masa nak balik, kereta kakak saya kene langgar dari belakang... nasib baik kereta only scratch... kereta perempuan bodoh yang melanggar itu yang bumper depan terkopak skit... chis...and it had to happen to me.. when it was raining, and when it was rush hour for people to send their kids and get to work... *sigh*

Thursday, May 25, 2006

You're A Million ways to be cruel.....

So... today I'm 23 years and 2 3 days old.. ahahahhaa.. my first second day in to 23 years old wasn't what I'd wanted it to be... kereta kakak saya takleh start masa nak antar kids... battery boleh k.o.. bodoh... haih.. mungkin saya jugak yg bodoh mungkin terlupa tutup radio the day before... ye saya bodoh..hahahahaha..

anyway.. I had to walk to Canton to pickup Hazim from nursery... it's like.. 20 minutes walk to and another 20 minutes back... on the way back singgah Medina beli ayam dan minced meat... balik..Kak Ju masak..hoyeh! :P saya tertidor setelah pulang... man I really need to start working out..jalan 40 minit balik dah k.o pahal.. damn.. woke up to the smell of spaghetti sauce cooking.. heheheh..(also sebab kaki sejuk ...tingkap kakak aku terbukak so angin sejuk masuk bilik)

pastu.. kul 2 lebih went out again with my sis, pinjam keter orang atas... pegi library Business school coz she wanted to pickup some books, then went to check out her future house...Rumah mmg dekat gile ar ngan skolah budak... so takde la susah die nanti sensorang nak gi amik budak pe sume... En. Javid...sile cepat siapkan rumah plis!

Today... pagi still kene pinjam kereta orang atas...sebab our car tak diperbaiki lagi... so I had to send my sis to the City Hall coz she's invigilating there today... Later Che' Wan cam over and had a look at the car... he had it running and took the car for a drive... he still wasn't back when I was going out to send the kids so I still had to use orang atas nyer keter... sent the kids, came home, the car was ready, and... here I am..doing nothing ahahahhha.. oh.. tadi kuar gi amik hazim... and beli ploughman's sandwich at Ferrari's (not the car..it's a deli)... tak sedap cam kat gregg's ah... gregg's sandwich still lagi sedap.. then I just came home.. bosan gile... that's why I'm writing this pointless entry.. huhuhuhuh
Oh and did I tell you guys I can't stop browsing e-bay?? addictive ok e-bay nie... mau tak nye..baju aku senang je nak carik huhuhuh.. baru beli satu jacket online..sedang menunggu ketibaan... seperti biasa kakak saya yang kene bayar.. hohoho.. jahat kan saya? nasib baik dah nak balik...

My parents+Nawal are coming on Monday Hurraaaahhhh \^^/ We're still not sure whose gonna go and pick them up... I need to go and change my plane ticket... tapi.. tah la kakak saya yang akan menentukan semua itu.. WEI LAGI +/- 2 MINGGU AKU NAK BALIK WEI!!!


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

23 years old on the 23rd

I'm 23 years old today... I don't feel any different from how I was yesterday... But I just feel liek I'm old(er)... How am I spending my day today? Well.. most probably, just like any other day... send the kids, pickup the kids, watch tv, cook, that's pretty much it... *sigh*

THanks for the wishes everyone! Love you guys to bits *hugs*

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


We went for a BBQ in Sully last Sunday. Brought chicken and also nasik goreng for the bbq. We headed out around 9-ish to Kak Mar's house, and headed out around 10-ish fromher house to Sully. Our 1st destination was actually this big-ass car boot sale in Sully. It was on like these rugby fields... It was a really HUGE place...AND it was by the sea! barang kat situ sume best jugak la.. there was this one place that sold plus size clothings ^_^ bought a pair of jeans for like £5. Saw The Simpsons Duff Beer fridge which the guy was selling for £8! But I didn't buy it coz I know my mom would kill me if I bought it T_T besides.. nak bawak balik camne? *sigh*

We spent like.. 2 hours or so there.. the kids got a toy each, and the mum... didn't buy anything for herself... yet :P We're planning to go there again! heheheheh

Anyway.. later, we headed to this...lake side (I don't remember the name heh) We chose a spot and set up for our bbq! It was really great fun..with great food...and great company ^_^ makan sampak sekak perut.. hoyeh! with some picciessss!

Tu je ah..tak larat aku nak upload bebanyak.. pic time makan takde sebab sume orang bz makan..ahahahha.. k bye

Thursday, May 11, 2006


12 days to go till I'm 23.... T_T

I feel so old.... and I am feeling desperate to graduate... gahhhhh!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

ape saje la..

hmm... Being in the UK certainly is different from being back in Malaysia... I LOVE the TV shows here.. .but some are just.. plain... I dunno... demeaning? memalukan? kinda stupid?

for example.. there's Family Forensic.. where the family (or one stupid member of the family who tricked his/her family) lets total strangers who are "professionals" in forensic things, and let them go through their personal stuff, and gets a profile of them from their belongings... They go through EVERYTHING... handphones, journals, PC's, just everything! So if the family has a dark secret they'd find out... like the one I watched, the daughter was sms-ing raunchy things to strangers... another one told everyone in the UK that his son's dad was her bestfriends husband.. like hello...tak tau malukah anda? PLUS, she put herself up onto a bisexual pron site or something and EVERYONE knows la kan skarang... Aku rasa mmg certain people tak tau malu kot?

And I realized how BAD it is here pasal pre-marital sex amongst teens.. I mean seriously bad.. I know people always told me.. "alah Malaysia pun sama jugak..." but.. I don't think it's to this extent... Everywhere I walk, ada je nampak girls with a baby in their prams... and sangat nampak macam budak sekolah... memang masalah dunia betul la kat sini...

Tah la..memacam jugak la kat sini... there's always a good/bad side of everything right...

by the way..entry ini menunjukkan I'm kinda bored.. huhuh.. ok lah byeee

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Location: Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

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